100% worth it

We are a gluten-free and dairy-free family and our recipes are as well. We have, through food diaries and following the low fodmap diet, recognised what food doesn’t work for us as individuals.

My name is Emma and I have over 25 years of living with food intolerance and learned recently that I probably had problems with these foods all my life. The list of conditions I suffered from is endless when you start writing it down but by changing my diet these conditions stopped occurring for me: mouth ulcers, stomach pain, anxiety, weak bones, hair loss and skin problems. I choose to stay off these foods to stay healthy and happy and to keep the various autoimmune issues I have under control. It can be a real struggle at times but I’m 100 % worth staying healthy for and so are you.

Do you get tired of the restrictions on what you can eat? I know I do! I know at times in the past I would prefer to stay at home and eat than risk being sick as a result of eating out. I hated the countless questions and the ‘are you sure’ questions or the ‘i couldn’t live like you’ statements! In the early days, I would prefer to stay at home than look across the table and have food envy. I was angry at all the items on the menu that everyone else at the table could choose to eat. I used to get tired of looking out for salads and skipping the pasta or anything with a sauce and having to ask countless questions before finally placing an order. I used to fear supermarket shopping and skip entire isles just so I didn’t have to get tempted by the food. It’s so odd though because why do we let ourselves even think about getting tempted? This is why I’m here. I understand how you feel and I want you to know the food you are tempted by isn’t worth it. You and your health is worth more than the cake full of gluten or that milkshake full of, well milk!

Something inside me suddenly clicked one day. I’m worth being on this diet for. I’m healthier and happier and I feel great on this lifestyle diet choice. I turned around my life because I’m staying off of the food that makes me sick. After all who wants to live every day feeling tired and sick? I have more energy than ever before and I feel fantastic. I’m no longer on the medication to fix the autoimmune conditions I have. Food is my medicine. now and it’s the best-tasting medicine I have ever had! My medicine is melon, banana, carrots, peas, oranges, and apples. My medicine is pineapple, asparagus, sweet potatoes and cherries.

If you feel like you need a helping hand on the journey then reach out and ask for help. Get in contact with your local Coeliac society, a friend or a family member. Oh and that food your missing! Don’t miss it! Cook it at home for yourself. You don’t need to be great at cooking or be a chef to eat well. You can learn along the way like I did. Start with the basics. I can help you if you want. I’m happy for you to contact me via the form below. I’m a Health Coach and a Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner.

Remember your 100% worth eating healthy for and we’re not missing out on anything because we are happy and healthy and I personally wouldn’t want to live any other way.

I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!

Emma Alexander-Cook.

Emma Alexander-Cook

My name's Emma. I've been living gluten-free for over 25 years, and I've been dairy-free for over five years.

Health and Auto-immune Diseases

I have auto-immune diseases and expected to be on medicine for the rest of my life, but I didn't want to live like that. My rheumatology Doctor was so supportive of the change I wanted to make, and with their help, I now manage my auto-immune diseases by being strict with my diet.

It can be quite frightening when you first find out you have to change the way you eat but for some of us' Food is our medicine.'

I have several websites, write blogs, and I'm currently in the process of writing a book.

I trained to be Holistic Health Coach, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and Certified Gluten Free Practitioner in order to heal myself, my family and others who find themselves on the same journey as myself.

Websites include:






Our love for photography started on our travels. We wanted to capture images of the areas we travelled to both for our own records and for our family back at home. Some of these images were reproduced as watercolours. Our favourite images we display at home and friends often asked where we had purchased the pictures! Now you can purchase them online directly from us.

Coaching and Consultancy

Previously an IT Manager my skill set has come in very handy as I am both a Health Coach and also offer consultancy for small business starts up and fellow Health Coaches. This has included building websites and online profiles.

Our Family

Family is everything to me! We have a family of four boys where the age difference between the youngest and the eldest is 18 years. Two of our sons are also Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Emma is a Health Coach who specialises in helping individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals. Ian runs his own business which began developing a Race Timer for diecast model cars.


It’s not my identity


This is not a diet choice for me!