Daddy's Guacamole

Daddy’s Guacamole

Daddy’s Guacamole

We are fortunate that our home in Hong Kong has an Avocado Tree in the front garden. We love making the Chocolate Mousse out of our Avocados but Daddy’s Guacamole is also a firm favourite. Not only is it guaranteed to be Gluten Free and Dairy Free but it has an amazing flavour to it that you just don’t get from shop purchased Guacamole. 



This serves our family of 6.


500 g avocado

7 cherry tomatoes

2 tsp chilli

Squeeze of lemon

Seasoning of Salt and Pepper


Clove of garlic



Slice the avocados in half, remove the pit and skin and place in a mixing bowl. As you can see from the pictures some of ours were damaged and black in areas where they had fallen from the tree. Do not use these parts of the Avocado.

Mash the avocado with a fork until you have the consistency you like. We prefer chunky.

Add the remaining ingredients and stir together. I have made the garlic and coriander optional as not everyone likes the tastes.

Taste and season as required.

Additional Notes:

Make the guacamole your own. Add lime instead of lemon or more chilli, less garlic and extra coriander.

Add Cayenne or Cumin spices.

Bacon, Chorizo can taste amazing in your guacamole.

My youngest likes chopped apple, mango and other fruits for a level of sweetness.

Add nuts for a crunchy addition.

Equipment Used:

Serving Bowl.

Ian Cook

When the coronavirus shut down the world, we found ourselves, like many others, in unfamiliar territory. Suddenly, everyone was home all day, every day. This gave us all extra spare time to spend together and develop hobbies into practical projects for the family. Some of these leisure activities led to the projects we now share with you.


Our youngest son is heavily into Hot Wheels cars, marble runs and marble mazes. This inspired Ian to focus his attention on cars and marbles (without hopefully losing his marbles in the process!). Home STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) electronic projects have developed into primary education projects during the lockdown periods, a YouTube channel and ultimately setting up this website.

With other parents asking how to create the Race Timer, we made the project available on YouTube. From there, many more people from all over the World have shown interest in our work and introduced us to the large diecast racing groups. With this interest came requests for a product that worked straight out of the box. This interest led to the developing of a production version of a Race Timer, Finish line and Speedometer for Hot Wheels compatible cars. Sales of this Race Timer have now been supplied to families and enthusiasts around the World.

Photography and Art Work

Our love for photography started on our travels. We wanted to capture images of the areas we travelled to for our records and our family back home. Some of these images were reproduced as watercolours. We display our favourite photos and artwork at home, and friends often ask where we purchased the pictures! Now you can buy them online directly from us.

Our Family

We have a family of four boys whose age difference between the youngest and the eldest is 18 years. Emma is a Health Coach specialising in helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. Previously an IT Manager, her skill set has come in very handy as she builds websites for people.

Watermelon Granita

