Gluten Free & Dairy Free Home
Gluten Free & Dairy Free Home
Gluten Free & Dairy Free Home!
The first thing you think about when you start living gluten-free or dairy-free (or both) is the food. What will you eat! How can I give up my cheese? How can I live without those Danish Pastries? Does this mean no chocolate?
Once the fallout from what you can eat has calmed down, you then realise this choice affects your home. Is everyone eating the same meals as you? Do we all eat gluten-free pasta? What about when someone comes over to visit? Do we have to explain our new food choices to them? How do we politely explain that the delicious pie or box of chocolates that they have brought you can’t be consumed by you?
You may still be getting used to these changes yourself, and then those in your home are directly affected, as are those who visit your home or who you visit. Having the courage and words to explain this change in your lifestyle to others is an important part of the process and is something I help clients with.
If you feel like you need a helping hand on the journey then reach out and ask for help. We all had to start at the beginning of this journey and I totally understand how hard the journey can seem.
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.